Custom designed to fit you
Prosthetic Products
There are many reasons for the loss of a limb, such as disease, infection, and trauma. The prosthetics industry has advanced in its technology over the decades and there are many great products that can be utilized for feet, ankles, knees, hands, and elbows. But no one product out there is perfect for every amputee and their specific situation. Here at Alpha-Omega, we do not restrict ourselves to one company’s products, but look over the whole industry to find the best product to fit your individual needs. But even the best products out there will not serve their ideal purpose without the right fitting socket. We want to make your fit optimal for anything else needed in your prosthesis so you can get the maximum benefit from your device. And… we love to customize the look so you can be proud of your prosthesis!

custom fitting prosthetics
Even if your situation or reason for amputation is similar to someone else, your limb itself is not. Everyone is different and your fit is specific to you. Large or small; bony or scarred-everyone’s limb is different. The key is to understand those differences and to choose the right methods for making your prosthesis work for you. We continually strive to ensure your fit is the best possible, because the best system out there is no good to anyone if the prosthesis doesn’t fit.
products & services
From a simple toe filler to losing half your hip (hemipelvectomy) – and from a fingertip to a shoulder disarticulation; we can work with you to make the right prosthetic choice to best fit your needs. But that is just the beginning. Servicing your device to make sure it continues to fit and function over time is just as important. Are you unhappy with your current facility? Or did you just move into the area and need to find a reliable prosthetics company to take over your care? Alpha-Omega Orthotics & Prosthetics would love to sit down and talk with you, discuss your needs and determine if building a relationship with us is the best fit for you.

continued Service
We pride ourselves on creating long-term relationships with our patients. We know that as you adjust, move, and grow, your device may not fit like it did when you first received it. We are committed to maintaining the overall fit and function of your device. We have the knowledge that comes from more than 25 years of experience that allows us to identify needed adjustments to obtain the proper anatomic fit and function. If you believe you need an adjustment, contact us today.
Orthotics & Prosthetics in Missouri
Contact us today
Contact Alpha-Omega Orthotics & Prosthetics today to schedule a free consultation. You will need a prescription from a physician for a device. But our team can still consult with you before your doctor prescribes a prosthesis.